Saturday, August 28, 2010

jBase Command ABORT

The ABORT command terminates the current running program and the program that called it.

Commad Syntax

ABORT {message.number{, expression ...}}

Syntax Elements

The optional message.number provided with the statement must be a numeric value, which corresponds to a record key in the jBASE error message file.A single expression or a list of expression(s) may follow the message.number. Where more than one expression is listed, they must be delimited by the use of the comma character. The expression(s) correspond to the parameters that need passing to the error file record to print it. The optional message.number and expression(s) given with the command are parameters or resultants provided as variables, literal strings, expressions, or functions.


Use this statement to terminate the execution of a jBASE BASIC program together with any calling program. It will then optionally display a message, and return to the shell prompt.The error file holds the optional message displayed on terminating the program. For successful printing of the message, parameters such as linefeeds, clearscreen, date and literal strings may also be required. Setting the Command Level Restart option can alter operation of this command.



This will terminate the program and print error message 66 passing to it the string "Aborted", which
will be printed as part of error message 66.


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