Friday, December 10, 2010

jBase Query Language JQLFETCH

JQLFETCH fetches the next result in a compiled jQL statement.

Command Syntax

JQLFETCH(Statement, ControlVar, DataVar)

Syntax Elemets

Statement is the result of a valid call to JQLCOMPILE(), followed by a valid call to JQLEXECUTE().
ControlVar will receive the ‘control break’ elements of any query. For example, if there are BREAK values in the statement, and you want the totals, they will be described here.

The format of ControlVar is:

Attr 1 => Level:
0 -> means detail line
1 - 255 -> for the control breaks, the same as the A correlative NB.

Attr2 => Item ID

Attr 3 => Break control Value is 1 if a blank line should be output first.

Attr 4 => Pre-break value for 'B' option in header

Attr 5 => Post-break value for 'B' option in header

DataVar will receive the actual data sent to the screen on a LIST statement for instance. The format is one attribute per column.

Applies Attribute 7 Conversions (or attribute 3 in Prime-style DICTS) to the data
If setting the property STMT_PROPERTY_FORMAT then it also formats each attribute according to the width and justification of the attribute definition and any override caused by the use of FMT, of DISPLY.LIKE on the command line.

NOTE: that column headers may also affect the formatting for that column.

This function is called multiple times until there is no more output.


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