Tuesday, December 14, 2010

jBase Query Language JQLGETPROPERTY

Gets the property of a compiled jQL statement.

Command Syntax

JQLGETPROPERTY(PropertyValue, Statement, Column, PropertyName)

Syntax Elements

PropertyValue : Receives the requested property value from the system or "" if the property is not set.
Statement: The result of a valid JQLCOMPILE(Statement).
Column : Specifies that you want the value of the property for a specific column (otherwise 0 for the whole statement).
PropertyName : These are EQUATED values defined by INCLUDE'ing the file JQLINTERFACE.h. This function returns -1 if there is a problem with the parameters or the programmer. The use of these properties is to answer questions such as "Was LPTR mode asked for," and "How many columns are there?"

NOTE: Properties are valid after the compile; this is the main reason for separating the compile and execute into two functions. After compiling, it is possible examine the properties and set properties before executing.


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