Monday, December 6, 2010

jBase Query Language SREFORMAT

SREFORMAT is similar to the SORT Command in that it generates a formatted list of fields, but directs its output to another file or the magnetic tape rather than to the terminal or printer.

Command Syntax

SREFORMAT file-specifier {record-list} {selection-criteria} {USING file-specifier} {output-specification} {format-specification} {(options}
File: Enter a file name, or the word “TAPE” for output to a magnetic tape.
Comments: Overwrites records that already exist in the destination file; when you reformat one file into another, each record selected becomes a record in the new file. It uses the first value specified in the output specification clause as the key for the new records. The remaining values in the output specification clause become fields in the new records.
When you reformat a file to tape, it concatenates the values specified in the output specification clause to form one tape record for each selected record. The record output is either truncated or padded at the end with nulls (X”00”) to obtain a record the same length as specified when the tape was assigned by the T-ATT Command.
Unless you specify HDR-SUPP or COL-HDR-SUPP, or a C or H option, a tape label containing the file name, tape record length (in hexadecimal), it first writes the time, and date to the tape. If specifying a HEADING clause, this will form the data for the tape label.
Record keys are displayed as the records are written to tape unless the ID-SUPP modifier or the “I” option is specified.
Two EOF marks terminate the file on tape.
See the REFORMAT Command for Examples.


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