Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alienware - Ultimate Gaming Machine

Alienware's website sells high-performance PC and Laptops for Gaming. This article is only about the website and customer experience as the computer systems available is superb and they are not compareable.
The website is very cool, it has great alien themes that suit the name of the website, as well as the products which they sell and the company logo. The navigation of the website is also very easy to use. The links are easy to find, and everything is clearly labeled so the visitor always knows what they are doing and gives them the feeling of ease.

When viewing the different machines the website really comes into it's own, as there are animations of each part of the different machines in order to fully display the different parts of the computers. This is a very good way to find out which machine you want. If the animations aren't enough to show a consumer which laptop they want then there are large sections of the site dedicated to the statistics of the machines. For people who don't have the knowledge or the time to trawl through reams of stats however there is a simplified 5-star rating system in different categories including the computers capabilites in Gaming, Sound and Video.
I have heard that Alienware desktops and computers can be unreliable, but I have never met anyone who experienced such problems, and I personally believe that stories of broken computers are often blown out of proportion. However if there are problems with products Alienware has a good customer service team, that will be able to help consumers with almost all of their problems, from installation to technical problems.

The products that Alienware sell are very good. They include high powered desktops ranging in price from around £650-£2500. There are also laptops that range from £800-£2000. These two products come with a huge range of customisable options, with the consumer being able to choose specific graphics cards, processors and even chassis colours and lights to suit their needs. For people who want to buy a laptop, it should be noted that they have an infamously short battery life, and are intended more as a desktop replacement system, rather than in order to do work on the move, as they can often only have a lifespan around one and a half hours. Alienware also sell a good range of headphones and other computer accessories that are always to a very good standard, and look fantastic.
Finally Alienware delivers is products quickly and (more importantly for such expensive kit) safely, and the customer service section is once again at hand to answer any questions.

Overall Alienware is a great website and I would highly recommend the products on it to anyone. People often critisise Alienware for it's high prices, but Alienware was not a company founded to provided cheap laptops. It was a company founded to provide great looking, powerful gaming computers and that is undoubtedly what it does best


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