Sunday, April 3, 2011

jBase Infobasic Command CRT

temenos t24 tutorial
The CRT statement sends data directly to the terminal, even if a PRINTER ON statement is currently active.

Command Syntax

CRT expression {, expression..} {:}

Syntax Elements

An expression can evaluate to any data type. The CRT statement will convert the result to a string type for printing. Expressions separated by commas will be sent to the screen separated by a tab character. The CRT statement will append a newline sequence to the final expression unless it is terminated with a colon ":" character.


As the expression can be any valid expression, it may have output formatting applied to it. A jBASE BASIC program is normally executed using buffered output mode. This means that data is not flushed to the terminal screen unless a newline sequence is printed or terminal input is requested. This makes it very efficient. However you can force output to be flushed to the terminal by printing a null character CHAR (0). This has the same effect as a newline sequence but without affecting screen output.
For compatibility, use DISPLAY in place of CRT.


CRT A "L#5"
CRT @ (8,20):"Shazza was here":
FOR I = 1 TO 200
CRT @ (10,10):I:CHAR (0):


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