Monday, November 15, 2010

jBase Query Language ESEARCH

Generates an implicit list of records in a file if they contain (or do not contain) one or more occurrences of specified character strings.

Command Syntax

ESEARCH file-specifier {record-list} {selection-criteria} {sort-
criteria} {USING file-specifier} {(options} 

Syntax Elements

Options can be one or more of the following:
Options Description
A ANDs prompted strings together. Records must contain all specified strings.
I ADisplays the keys of selected records.
L Saves the field numbers in which it found the specified strings. The resulting list
contains the record keys followed by multivalued line numbers. Ignores the A and N
options if either or both are specified.
N Selects only those records that do not contain the specified string(s).
S Suppresses the list but displays the record keys that would have been selected.
Prompt : At the prompt supply one or more search strings:
String : Enter the required character string and press . This prompt is repeated until only is pressed. You can enter unlimited characters.
Do not enter double quotes unless they are part of the string to search.
Comments : When the Command terminates (unless the “S” option is used), it displays the total
number of entries in the generated list. The list is then available as if generated by a SELECT, GET-LIST or other list-providing Command. If you do not specify a sort criteria clause, the record list will be unsorted.


2 Records selected
Generates a list of all records in the SALES file, which contain the strings ABC or DEF .


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